
Transferring Graphics from RFEM/RSTAB to Word

I use Microsoft Word for the documentation of my structural analysis. For this, I use the "Print Graphic" → "Save to Clipboard" option in RFEM or RSTAB, and import the graphics into Word using Ctrl+V. However, after I successfully inserted some images, nothing more is happening. What is the reason for this, and how can I avoid it?


This problem is not caused by RFEM or RSTAB, but by the clipboard capacity of Word.

When printing the graphics to the clipboard, a maximum resolution of 4000 × 4000 pixels is possible. The maximum image dimension (that is, the height or width) is governing and the smaller side dimension is scaled down.

Thus, if there is a nearly square graphic that is then to be saved with the maximum resolution, the result is a file size of 4000*4000*3 = 48,000,000 bytes = 48 MB.

In general, Word can "remember" up to 24 elements in the clipboard.

Thus, the clipboard capacity of Word can be reached quickly, and the other images are no longer recorded.

In order to insert further graphics into Word, it should be closed and restarted.


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
