
Wind Directionality Factor from ASCE 7-16 in RWIND Simulation

Does the software RWIND Simulation consider the wind directionality factor (Kd) from the ASCE 7‑16?


The wind directionality factor (Kd) from the ASCE 7‑16 Sect. 26.6 is considered in the ASCE 7‑16 wind load profile or RWIND Simulation calculation and can be adjusted manually by the engineer. The wind directionality factor (Kd) can be considered in RWIND Simulation by modifying the factor under the wind velocity profile settings before running RWIND Simulation in RFEM.

This factor for various structure types can be determined from table 26.6‑1 from the ASCE 7‑16 [1]


Alex is responsible for customer training, technical support, and continued program development for the North American market.

  1. American Society of Civil Engineers. (2017). Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7‑16. Reston: ASCE.
