
Dlubal Menu in Tekla Structures

Why is the Dlubal menu not displayed in Tekla?


The Dlubal plug-in for Tekla needs to be installed manually. Find the installation information here:

If you do not see the Dlubal tab after the installation, this is usually caused by the country-specific environments or company templates.

Files and Paths

Dlubal reads out the installation path for the environment from the following registry:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Trimble\Tekla Structures\2023.0\setup -> "EnvDir"

The "UserDefined.xml" file is then stored in the folder

and the "DlubalRibbonTab.xml" file in the folder

. These files create and control the Dlubal tabs, the dimensions of the icons, and three additional commands for the import, export, and conversion tables.

Country-Specific Environment or Company Template

Tekla allows you to use your own environments and templates that allow you, for example, to adjust the ribbon. If you do so, you need to copy the two Dlubal-specific XML files into the folders of the user-defined environment.
This is explained using the example of the Swiss environment. This includes a separate folder for company-specific environments, for example.
The information about using this or any other user-defined folder can be seen in the *.ini file of the corresponding role.

To display the Dlubal tab in Tekla, you need to take the following steps:

  • Copy the "DlubalRibbonTab.xml" to the folder


  • Create a "Commands" folder in the following folder


  • Copy the "UserDefined.xml" to the new folder


After restarting Tekla, the Dlubal tab should be visible.


Mr. Sühnel is responsible for the quality assurance of RSTAB; he also participates in product development and provides technical support for our customers.
