
VE0047 | Snap-Through with Spring Support


A structure made of I-profile trusses is supported on the both ends by the spring sliding supports and loaded by the transversal forces according to the following sketch. The problem is described by the following set of parameters. The verification example is based on the example introduced by Gensichen and Lumpe (see the reference).

Material Steel Modulus of Elasticity E 210000.000 MPa
Poisson's Ratio ν 0.300 -
Geometry Structure Section Length 1 L1 2.000 m
Section Length 2 L2 4.000 m
Section Length 3 L3 4.000 m
Section Height 1 h1 0.130 m
Section Height 2 h2 0.520 m
Cross-section Height h 400.000 mm
Width b 180.000 mm
Web Thickness s 10.000 mm
Flange Thickness t 14.000 mm
Load Transversal Force F1 10.000 kN
Spring Stiffness cu,X 84000.000 kN/m

The self-weight is neglected in this example. Determine the deflection of the structure at point 1 (uz1), the bending moment at point 2 (My2) , the normal force in the truss N and horizontal deflection of the spring support at point 3 (ux3).

Analytical Solution

Analytical solution is not available. Results from software S3D are taken as reference.

RFEM and RSTAB Settings

  • Modeled in RFEM 5.26, RSTAB 8.26 and RFEM 6.01, RSTAB 9.01
  • The element size is lFE = 0.200 m
  • The number of increments is 5
  • Isotropic linear elastic material model is used
  • The structure is modeled using members (Trusses)
  • Shear stiffness of the members is neglected
  • Large deformation analysis is used


Quantity S3D RFEM 6 Ratio RSTAB 9 Ratio
uz1 [mm] 53.8 53.6 0.996 53.7 0.998
My2 [kNm] 41.0 41.0 1.000 41.0 1.000
N [N] -209.0 -208.4 0.997 -208.6 0.998
ux3 [mm] 2.47 2.47 1.000 2.47 1.000
Quantity S3D RFEM 5 Ratio RSTAB 8 Ratio
uz1 [mm] 53.8 53.7 0.998 53.8 1.000
My2 [kNm] 41.0 41.0 1.000 41.0 1.000
N [N] -209.0 -208.4 0.997 -208.6 0.998
ux3 [mm] 2.47 2.47 1.000 2.47 1.000

  1. LUMPE, G. and GENSITEN, V. Evaluation of Linear and Nonlinear Member Analysis in Theory and Software: Test examples, causes of failure, detailed theory. Ernest.
  2. LUMPE, G. S3D (Vers. 09/25/2011). Biberach University of Applied Sciences, 2011.
