
Circular Opening in Curved Surface

I need to model a curved wall element with some drilled circular holes in the surface. To create these holes in RFEM, I would normally draw a circle in the wall element to create the opening. But how do I draw a circle on a curved surface?


To define openings and cutouts in walls, it is necessary to define the boundary lines of the opening. This is easy to do for plane surfaces.

For curved surfaces, it is not as easy, as you can only manage intersections. First, create an object that penetrates the surface at the desired location of the opening. In this case, it is a pipe.

Then, select the surfaces simultaneously and select the "Create Intersection" option in the shortcut menu. This creates the intersection curves.

Open the "Component" tab using the "Edit Component" menu, where you can display or hide the created surface components. To create the opening, clear the check boxes for the active components that are no longer needed.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

