
Unsymmetrical Cross-Section (UPE)

I am having trouble with the design of a steel structure. For a singly symmetric cross-section (UPE), the program cannot perform the stability analysis. It reports that the Equivalent Member Method 6.3.3 is not applicable for an unsymmetrical cross-section. Is it possible to design such cross-sections in the program?


Yes, it is possible. If you look at the details of the report, help is available. For singly symmetric cross-sections, use the boundary conditions and the 2D general method according to EN 1993‑1‑1, 6.3.4.

Therefore, it is necessary to set the Boundary conditions under the Design Types of the member.

At the same time, it is necessary to design the cross-section using the Adapted method. This can be activated in the Stability tab under the Ultimate Configurations.
