
Extension of Continuous Casting Plant, India

The continuous casting plant of the JSW ISPAT steelworks in India was extended by an additional level and completed by new plant components and stair towers.

At the same time, the existing structure was reinforced to be able to absorb the additional weight of the new components as well as increased seismic loads.


The dimensions of the plant in the ground plan are about 108 ft x 115 ft with a height of 49.2 ft. The top level of the continuous casting plant to be newly constructed is called the casting platform and is designed for a load of 3.3 t/10.76 ft².

On the casting platform there are control rooms and emergency buckets, which collect the liquid steel in case of failure, as well as crane runways and further handling devices.

The supporting structure consists of steel girders with a span of up to 50 ft. The biggest main beams have dimensions of h x w = 47.2 inches x 23.6 inches with plate thicknesses of up to 2.4 inches. The structure is reinforced by diagonals against seismic loads.

Structural Analysis and Design

In order to implement the planning of the extension quickly and effectively, the capabilities of digitization and data exchange between the various 3D planning and calculation programs were used from the very beginning.

The existing construction was first captured with a 3D laser scanner and was displayed as 3D point cloud. It was transferred to an RFEM file using a construction program with the import/export function as an intermediate step. The model was thus available as a basis for further analyses.

The structural analysis was performed according to Eurocode 3 in the RF‑STEEL EC3 add‑on module.

For a detailed display of the results, the graphical tools of RFEM were used; for example, to classify different categories of reinforcements and to display them in color in 3D graphics.

Structural Engineering Ing.-Büro Mauss, Düsseldorf, Germany
Construction General Contractor
SMS SIEMAG AG, Düsseldorf, Germany

Oehmichen und Bürgers, Düsseldorf, Germany
Investor Jindal South West (JSW) Steel Ltd, India

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 1741
Number of Lines 2225
Number of Members 2142
Number of Surfaces 4
Number of Load Cases 16
Number of Load Combinations 23
Number of Result Combinations 1
Total Weight 907,917 t
Dimensions (Metric) 34.455 x 50.355 x 23.540 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 113.04 x 165.21 x 77.23 feet
Program Version 5.04.00

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