
Check of Overpressed Joint in Ridge

How can I control an overpressed joint in the ridge?


An overpressed joint between two members can be controlled in RFEM using the member stress results. For members, this stress result is the effective stress as a color gradient across the member surface, depending on the assigned cross-section.

Based on the local member axis, the member stress result gives the following stress components and reference stresses with an associated color palette:

  • Stress
    • σx
    • τy
    • τz
  • Elastic stress component
    • σN
    • σMy
    • σMz
    • σN+My
    • σN+Mz
    • σM
  • Elastic equivalent stresses
    • σv,Mises
    • σv,Tresca
    • σv,Rankine
    • σv,Tresca+Rankine
    • σv,Bach

It is possible to visualize the stress state on the members and thus also between the members by activating the display of the members connected to the joint and displaying the σx stresses. If there are only negative stresses in the area between the members, the joint is overpressed.


Mr. Niemeier is responsible for the development of RFEM, RSTAB, RWIND Simulation, and in the area of membrane structures. He is also responsible for quality assurance and customer support.

