
Combining Load Cases


After creating load cases, you can specify in the "Actions" tab whether the load cases of a certain action category can occur simultaneously or individually. For example, the Wind category is set to "Individually".

Design Situations

This webinar only deals with the ULS and the characteristic SLS design situations. Therefore, you can delete the other two design situations in the "Design Situations" tab.

To consider the dependency of both load cases in ULS, activate the "inclusive/exclusive load cases". In the "Exclusive Load Cases" tab, you can specify that two load cases are mutually exclusive, such as the sidewalk (LC4) and the cables on the right side of the bridge (LC3) in this example. You can also specify the
"Inclusive Load Cases", indicating that a load case can only occur if a certain other load case occurs. For the example considered, define that the cables on the right (LC3) should only be taken into account if there are also cables on the left side of the bridge (LC2).

Using the combination wizard, you can superimpose the load cases according to the standard. via the symbol Edit gelangen Sie zu den Einstellungen des Kombinationsassistenten, wo die Berechnung nach Theorie 1. analysis and the stability analysis. There are also ways to handle imperfections, structural modifications, and standard options, but they will not be discussed any further in this manual. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier:

For SLS, you can deactivate the stability analysis and activate the inclusive/exclusive load cases in the same way.

Action and Load Combinations

All automatically generated combinations can be displayed in the Action and Load Combinations tabs, and it is possible to add additional load combinations, if necessary. The actions/load cases of the considered combination are listed under "Assignment".

Click "OK" to confirm the input of the load cases and combinations.