
Boiler House of Biomass Power Plant in Berlin-Neukölln, Germany

A new boiler house has been built for the biomass power plant in Berlin-Neukölln, Germany.

The steel structure includes displacement of all mounting and attaching parts in the boiler house as well as the lateral restraint of both boilers and subsequently arranged heat exchanger, and so on.


The steel structure includes displacement of all mounting and attaching parts in the boiler house as well as the lateral restraint of both boilers and subsequently arranged heat exchanger, and so on.

Approximately 130 load cases of the structure were calculated in the structural frame analysis software RSTAB.

Various construction stages were analyzed as well. In the individual construction stages, only some parts of the entire structure were mounted. Finally, the analysis was performed "as built."

Design checks of nodes were also a part of the order and were performed partially by Dlubal Software programs.

Structural Engineering Ing.-Büro Ehlenz, Beckingen, Germany

Project Specifications

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