How can I use the COM interface to delete all nodes or members in a model, for example?
To delete elements, there is the "DeleteObjects()" function in the model data interface. Deleting all members is then as follows:
Sub test_delete_objects()
Dim iApp As RFEM5.Application
Set iApp = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Application")
Dim iMod As RFEM5.IModel3
Set iMod = iApp.GetActiveModel
On Error GoTo e
' get interface for model data
Dim iModData As RFEM5.IModelData2
Set iModData = iMod.GetModelData
' get all members
Dim mems() As RFEM5.Member
mems() = iModData.GetMembers
' create member list
Dim mem_list As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(mems, 1)
mem_list = mem_list & mems(i).no & ","
' delete members
iModData.DeleteObjects MemberObject, mem_list
If Err.Number 0 Then MsgBox Err.description, vbCritical, Err.Source
Set iMod = Nothing
End Sub
Please note that the "DeleteObjects" function only works with the object number and not with the object index. These numbers are transferred as a string, separated by commas.
For this reason, all members had to be fetched first. Then the member field was looped through and all member numbers were entered in the string.