
Influence of Singularities on Load Increasing Factor ß in RF-PUNCH Pro

In RF‑PUNCH Pro, I use the sector model to determine the load increasing factor ß. However, due to singularities in the surface internal forces, the ß values are sometimes set too high. How can I handle this?


It is correct that the singularities in an FE calculation also affect the results of the determination of the load increase factor ß by means of the sector model.

The smooth ranges applied in the RFEM model have no influence on the determination of ß in RF‑PUNCH Pro.

If the results in the critical control perimeter are influenced by singularities, you can select the load increasing factor ß yourself. You can display the "Shear Force in Sectors" in the result navigator of the RF‑PUNCH Pro results (Image 01). The maximum value of all sectors is used to determine the ß factor.

In our Knowledge Base, you can find an article describing the load increasing factor ß.

Now, you can estimate in line with engineering practice whether this value is to be applied for the determination of the load increase factor, or not. If not, you can evaluate the distribution of the shear force in the sectors (see Image 01) and determine the load increase factor ß yourself (the averaged value of the considered sector/averaged value over the entire control perimeter).

In the input window "1.5 Nodes of Punching Shear" of RF‑PUNCH Pro, you can directly specify the load increasing factor ß. See Image 02. Thus, you can avoid the values resulting from a singularity by individually specifying the load increasing factor β.

The following is important:
The program cannot provide automatic control for this. These points must always be individually checked and evaluated by the engineer.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
