
Login - SSL Handshake Failed

When trying to log in, I get an error message: SSL handshake failed. What should I do?


If you see this error message, you cannot connect to our license server to verify your license.

Please ask your IT department to check the communication with our server. It is necessary to enable the following access in the firewall policies as well as in the network:

  • Server name:  lm.dlubal.com
  • Server IP:
  • Server port: 443

If the connection still does not work after this procedure, your IT department needs to check whether the SSL certificate has been exchanged, based on your internal guidelines (for example, using a proxy). They should be able to check this with software (for example, OpenSSL) in the command line:

  • cd C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin
  • openssl.exe s_client -connect lm.dlubal.com:443