
VE0064 | Silnostěnná nádoba


Silnostěnná nádoba je zatížena vnitřním a vnějším tlakem. The vessel is open-ended, thus there is no axial stress. Příklad je modelován jako čtvrtinový model. Determine the radial deflection of the inner and outer radius ur(r1), ur(r2). Vlastní tíhu zanedbáme.

Materiál Elastic Modul pružnosti E 1.000 MPa
Poisson´s Ratio ν 0.250 -
Geometrie Inner Radius r1 200.000 mm
Outer Radius r2 300.000 mm
Load Inner Pressure p1 60.000 kPa
Outer Pressure p2 10.000 kPa

Analytické řešení

The stress state of the thick-walled vessel is described by the equation of equilibrium

Using strain-deflection equations and Hooke´s Law, second-order differential equation is obtained

The solution leads to the radial stress σr and tangential stress σt.

Constants K and C are obtained using boundary conditions.

The radial deflection of the inner and outer radius of the open-ended vessel ur(r1), ur(r2) can be determined using the following equations:

Nastavení programu RFEM

  • Modeled in RFEM 5.06 and RFEM 6.06
  • The element size is lFE = 2.000 mm
  • Isotropic linear elastic material model is used


Quantity Analytické řešení RFEM 6 Poměrná hodnota RFEM 5 Poměrná hodnota
ur(r1) [mm] 27.000 26.998 1.000 27.000 1.000
ur(r2) [mm] 21.750 21.747 1.000 21.750 1.000
