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Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Dlubal Support Team | November 2023
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM CET
I used 'Mass' type loads in my model. However, they are not considered in the self-weight. What do I wrong?
How can I display the load distribution in the results of the static analysis?
I have used a clipping plane in my model. The hidden areas are still shown as transparent in the display. How can I completely hide them?
How can I perform a fatigue design check in concrete designs?
I have selected several nodes for punching shear design in a reinforced concrete slab. Among these nodes, there are some ends of walls. However, the punching shear design is not carried out for all these wall ends. What is the reason?
I work with several DXF background layers set in a multi-story building. It is very important that these layers available in different stories lie exactly on top of each other. How can I select the insert point of the background layer?
Below, under Models to Download, you will find the model(s) used in the webinar. This will allow you to independently follow the webinar step by step with the provided model(s) after the presentation is complete.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Hörold
Marketing & Public Relations
Mr. Hörold takes care of the Dlubal Software website, moderates the German and English webinars, and creates newsletters and marketing materials.