
Creating Surface Results Adjustment

Due to the point support of the slab on the columns, we can expect singularities at these points. For more information about the source and handling of singularities, read this technical article on the Dlubal website, where the problem is explained in detail. This manual only describes how to use the surface results adjustments. Using a surface results adjustment, you can specify the previously defined surface internal forces as mean values or set them to zero, and thus smooth them.

Create a new surface results adjustment in the Navigator.

Enter the dimensions of the column cross-sections there, as the adjustment should only refer to these areas (1). In the "Adjustment Type" section, you can define the surface internal forces to be smoothed. First, select "Zero: mx" (2), then use the Edit Effective Length button to change the selection (3).

A dialog box appears where you can use Select All Modes to activate all basic internal forces at once.

Assign the surface results adjustment to the foundation slab and both ceiling slabs (5), and select a node at the column head as the center position. Then, copy the surface results adjustment for each column using Copy and only change the center position (6). As an alternative, click "OK" to close the dialog box and select the surface results adjustment while holding down the Ctrl key to copy it to another column using drag and drop.

At the node on the right side in the middle, there is no column, but a wall. Therefore, it is necessary in this case to select other dimensions for the surface results adjustment; for example, 1 m × 0.25 m.