
Baku Flame Towers in Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku Flame Towers is a striking complex of high‑rise buildings in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan.

The complex consists of three 623‑foot‑high towers in the shape of a flame as a symbol of the several oil wells in the region.

The dimensions indicated below refer to one of the three spires.

Length: ~ 115 ft | Width: ~ 112 ft | Height: ~ 98 ft
Number of nodes: 772 | Members: 981 | Finite Elements: 981 | Materials: 2 | Cross-sections: 9

Dlubal Software customer Werner Sobek Stuttgart was responsible for the steel spires put on the towers, as well as for the spectacular facade.

Supporting Structure of Tower Spires

The main structural systems of the three towers consist of reinforced concrete. By contrast, the towers' top stories consist of filigree steel frameworks which provide spacious room for special use.

The primary framework of the spires consists of a spatial three‑hinged frame built up of round pipes with a diameter of 24 inches. Following the given geometry, the pipes were taken as biaxially curved sections to the construction site, where they were connected to one another by butt welds.

To reduce deformations of the construction, which is 98.4 ft high, the vertical side steel columns were attached to the frame by bending resistant connections. A special triangular cross‑section made of typical metal sheets and round steel bars was used for these columns to allow an outside view that is as wide as possible. This cross‑section was modeled in the Dlubal program SHAPE‑THIN and then imported to RFEM.

The wind loads that were governing for the design were determined by a wind report, reaching very high values of 146.1 psf. Therefore, additional diagonals were needed on the curved back side of the steel constructions in order to reduce the total deformation on the tower spire to the required 3.5 inches.

Because technical planners were working closely together in an early phase of the project, the planning was performed successfully on schedule.

Structural Engineering Facade Design and Structural Analysis of Tower Spires
Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Architectural Design HOK Architects
London, UK

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 772
Number of Lines 1008
Number of Members 981
Number of Load Cases 15
Number of Load Combinations 68
Number of Result Combinations 10
Total Weight 376.615 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 34.782 x 32.992 x 29.255 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 114.11 x 108.24 x 95.98 feet
Program Version 5.01.00

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