
Mia – Digital Expert for Structural Analysis Questions

Praise be to Mia! Who is that supposed to be? Our new digital assistant has finally gone live! You can find Mia, the new Dlubal Chat AI, on our website and benefit from accumulated knowledge as well as structural first aid for any questions. You can find out more about Mia in this blog post. Read on!

Technology that inspires – nowadays, we find it everywhere in our everyday life. So far, you can find several articles about the topic of artificial intelligence in construction in our blog. Whether a smart home, digital construction site inspections, or AI-supported calculation of structures: our technology is constantly evolving.

The software industry in particular is exciting and fascinating when it comes to technological innovations. As we are constantly evolving, we are reaching new milestones.

For Dlubal Software, one such milestone has finally gone online: the Dlubal chatbot Mia. Our Mia is not just any chatbot; she provides you with structural first aid at any time, wherever you are! How did it come about, and what makes our AI assistant so special?

One Mia for All Cases

Imagine that you are calculating your structure in RFEM, and suddenly: Error! The calculation does not work, something does not fit. Your structure is upside down, the columns are bending, and everything collapses immediately, silently. Something went wrong in the depths of your stability analysis.

You take a close look at your model. And once again. And then again. But you just can't find the mistake. It's annoying! Have you used the wrong procedure? That could be the case. Which one suits your various steel cross‑sections best – the equivalent member method or the general method? Good question, next question.

And to make matters worse, it's 5 p.m. on a Friday.  Your coworkers have long since disappeared into their closing time; only you are still sitting alone in the office. After all, the deadline for your project calculations was yesterday.

So time is breathing down your neck, nobody can help you, and even our hotline has long been in the well-deserved weekend status. You go to our website and start researching your problem: FAQ, webinars, manuals.

But it all takes far too long. And you don't have time, because you are already expected at home – by your better half, big black button eyes, or your cozy couch.

So what do you do? This is where our new heroine comes in – the patron saint of desperate last-minute structural engineers and the savior of your weekend. May we introduce you? Mia, the new Dlubal chat AI.

Your Digital Research Tool

"Hey, Dlubal! What is the difference between the general and the equivalent member method? I have the following initial situation: ... Which method do you recommend?"

You enter your text at the bottom right of our website and press enter. And then the magic begins. Google can't handle something like that, you know. You are all the more impressed when our friendly Mia answers you.

She filters out the relevant information from the information on our website and packages everything in an easy-to-understand answer that is guaranteed to help you. This saves you a lot of research work.

Mia for You

Mia is an innovative chatbot that has been part of the Dlubal team since the beginning of February. She is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, completely free of charge, of course.

Whether you have a general question about Dlubal, the Dlubal software, or general topics related to structural analysis and the construction industry: Mia is your contact person, no matter where you are or what time of day it is.

You can now benefit from active 24/7 support on the Dlubal website. Whether it's the weekend, the middle of the night, or during peak service hours, you can always find the information you are looking for without having to wait a long time.

Have you just taken over or established an engineering office and are wondering which RSTAB modules are the most suitable for steel structures? Simply write to Mia and explain to her which projects you are currently facing. She will show you which add-ons are the best to support your daily work!

And the most fascinating thing about Mia: with every new question and input addressed to our AI, it learns. Behind her, 30 support engineers are constantly working to optimize and further improve Mia's answers. Machine learning is really an impressive technology.

Mia for Us

However, Mia is not only excellent support for customers, students, and other interested parties. AI will also take over some tasks for the Dlubal team in the future. As a tool integrated in our Intranet, it does a lot of work for us.

If you write a support request to us, it ends up in the internal ticket system. There, your request is usually assigned to our support technicians and answered by them. Here, Mia intervenes.

Our AI produces an appropriate response to your request, which is checked by Dlubal support engineers, optimized if necessary, then transmitted to you. This not only saves a lot of time on our side, but also provides you with faster help.

Conclusion: Dlubal Chatbot Mia

We are very happy that Mia has finally seen the light of the Internet world. It took numerous working hours and a number of bright minds until the time had come. And the result is impressive! Two to three times faster answers for you and more time for our engineers to improve the Dlubal programs, such as RFEM and RSTAB.

Try it for yourself. Tips and tricks on how best to deal with it can be found here:

Dealing with Mia – Tips and Tricks

How do you like our digital assistant? Share your feedback with us. Together, we celebrate the innovations of the future!


As a copywriter in marketing, Ms. Ruthe is responsible for creating creative texts and gripping headlines.
