
Square Tower of Neuschwanstein Castle

Alexander Haage from IB Pfanner says: "We focused on the square tower of Neuschwanstein Castle.

The whole castle and especially the square tower are threatened by cracks in the stonework. Consultant Engineers Pfanner Baustatik were given the task of developing a solution to prevent further crack formation.

The palace facade was modeled in RFEM, as were special tension anchors, in an attempt to find a method to stop crack growth. Currently, the square tower is being modeled, including difficult geometry.

The tower changes from round to square in the upper section. The three-layer masonry was modeled with two layers and coupling surfaces in RFEM.

In upcoming years, we will most likely model other parts of the castle with RFEM. I would appreciate it if the good feedback from you continues, or is even enhanced."

Structural Engineering Ing.-Büro Pfanner Baustatik
Alte Poststr. 24
88690 Uhldingen, Germany
Tel: 07556/93378-0

Project Specifications

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