
Structural Analysis and Design of Lookout Tower

As a part of the redesign of the viewpoint on the Bettenberg in Litzelstetten near Konstanz, Germany, a lookout tower is to be built. It should be a representative building for hikers and residents of the region and be visible from afar.

For this purpose, an unconventional design with plans and a model should be created. Furthermore, it requires a structural analysis, which should be carried out according to the general principles of structural design, analysis, and calculation. The structural analysis of the entire structure and the required components should verify the ultimate and serviceability limit states of the structure. Furthermore, the details of all nodes are to be calculated, designed, and constructed.

Jürgen Moog
University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Germany,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

For this purpose, an unconventional design with plans and a model should be created. Furthermore, it requires a structural analysis, which should be carried out according to the general principles of structural design, analysis, and calculation. The structural analysis of the entire structure and the required components should verify the ultimate and serviceability limit states of the structure. Furthermore, the details of all nodes are to be calculated, designed, and constructed.

