
Study of Steel Structure Made of PRS Elements with Variable Cross-Sections and Cold-Formed Sections According to Eurocode 3 (Comparative Study With Conventional Structure Made of Rolled Sections)

As part of their graduation project, Ms. Haddi and Mr. Berrani used the structural analysis software RSTAB 8 and the add-on modules for steel design STEEL EC3 and STEEL Cold-Formed Sections, as well as the add-on modules for dynamic analysis DYNAM Pro.
Massinissa Berrani, Djamila Haddi
University of Béjaïa, Algeria

In this study, two types of design are highlighted and then compared: The first one is a conventional building with rolled sections, and the second one is a building made up of the elements with variable welded sections and cold-formed sections. The specific weight of each element, the total weight of the structure, and its effect on the seismic action at the base are taken into account. The objective is to design and analyze the elements of a single-story steel building with a width of 24 m and a length of 64 m. This project was carried out according to Eurocode 3.

This graduation project revealed the advantage of using the PRS system, which results in a 20% reduction in the weight of the structure compared to a conventional structure. This observation implies a weaker total seismic action and a stronger structural load.

