Dynamic Structural Analysis of External Excitation
Time History Analysis | Features
- Analysis of time diagrams and accelerograms (acceleration-time diagrams exciting the supports of a structure)
- Combination of user-defined time diagrams with nodal, member, and surface loads, as well as free and generated loads
- Combination of several independent excitation functions
- Linear implicit Newmark analysis or modal analysis in time history
- Structural damping using Raleigh damping coefficients or Lehr's damping value
- Graphical display of results in calculation diagrams
- Result display in individual time steps or as an envelope during the entire time period
- Extensive library of seismic events (accelerograms)
Time History Analysis | Input
It is necessary to enter the required force-time diagrams. They can be combined in load cases or load combinations of the type Time History Analysis | Time Diagrams with the loading in order to define where and in which direction the force-time diagrams act.
The second option is to enter acceleration-time diagrams, which can be used in the load cases of the Time History Analysis | Accelerogram type.
All calculation parameters are specified in the time history analysis settings. These include, for example, the type of analysis method and the maximum calculation time.
Time History Analysis | Calculation
The time history analysis is performed with the modal analysis or the linear implicit Newmark analysis. The time history analysis in this add-on is limited to linear structural systems. Although the modal analysis represents a fast algorithm, it is necessary to use a certain number of eigenvalues to ensure the required accuracy of results.
The implicit Newmark analysis is a very precise method, independent of the number of eigenvalues used, but requires sufficient small time steps for the calculation.
Time History Analysis | Results
As soon as the program has completed the calculation, the summary of the results is listed. All result windows are integrated in the main program RFEM/RSTAB. You will find all the results arranged in tables; they can be displayed for each individual time step or as an envelope, and you also have the option of displaying the results graphically as well as animating them.
The results from the time history analysis can be displayed in the calculation diagrams. All the results are shown as a function of time. You can export the numeric values to MS Excel.
All result tables and graphics are part of the RFEM/RSTAB printout report. In this way, you can ensure clearly arranged documentation. You can also export the tables to MS Excel.
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