
Line Hinges

If it is impossible to transfer all internal forces from one surface to the next, you have to arrange a line hinge. To do this, use the "Edit Surface" dialog box, "Hinges" tab.

Select or specify a spring constant of the respective degrees of freedom to reduce the force transmission in the corresponding direction. The moment hinges or rotational springs reduce the force transmission around the defined axis. In this case, the following axis system applies.

x: Longitudinal direction of the line
The degree of freedom ux reduces the force transmission along the surface edge and φx corresponds to a hinge joint.

y: Tangent to the surface
The y‑axis is perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the line hinge and is located in the plane of the last finite element row.

z: Normal to the surface
For curved surfaces, the z‑coordinates correspond to the line hinge of the z‑axis of the last finite element row before the line hinge.


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

