

How do you define the descriptions of various reinforcement results, such as the required reinforcement?


The descriptions of the reinforcement in the Results navigator are defined as follows:

As,-z (top):

  • Upper longitudinal reinforcement; that is, all longitudinal reinforcement that is above the centroidal axis of the cross-section (see Image 01)

As,+z (bottom):

  • Bottom longitudinal reinforcement; that is, all longitudinal reinforcement that is below the centroidal axis of the cross-section


  • Total longitudinal reinforcement of the cross-section that is required due to torsion

As,-z (top) + As,T/2:

  • Upper longitudinal reinforcement (see above) plus one-half of the required longitudinal reinforcement from torsion

As,+z (bottom) + As,T/2:

  • Bottom longitudinal reinforcement (see above) plus one-half of the required longitudinal reinforcement from torsion


  • Stirrup reinforcement from torsion
  • Always single-leg, which means: reinforcement content from one leg on one stirrup member
  • Resulting from the theoretical assumption of a spiral stirrup reinforcement


  • Stirrup reinforcement from shear force
  • Two-, three-, or four-leg, which means: reinforcement content from one leg on two, three, or four stirrup members
  • Setting the number of legs under stirrup parameters, Window "1.6 Reinforcement", "Stirrups" tab; see Image 02

2*asw,T,stirrup + asw,V,stirrup:

  • Total stirrup reinforcement from torsion and shear force
  • In this case, two-leg for torsion, therefore Factor 2 before asw,T,stirrup, shear reinforcement according to the setting from Image 02