
Descriptions of Reinforcement Results

How do you define the descriptions of various reinforcement results, such as the required reinforcement?


The descriptions of the reinforcement in the Results navigator are defined as follows:

As,-z (top)

As,+z (bottom)

  • Bottom longitudinal reinforcement; that is, all longitudinal reinforcement that is below the centroidal axis of the cross-section


  • Total longitudinal reinforcement of the cross-section that is required due to torsion

As,-z (top) + As,T/2

  • Upper longitudinal reinforcement (see above) plus one-half of the required longitudinal reinforcement from torsion

As,+z (bottom) + As,T/2

  • Bottom longitudinal reinforcement (see above) plus one-half of the required longitudinal reinforcement from torsion


  • Stirrup reinforcement from torsion
  • Always single-leg, which means: reinforcement content from one leg on one stirrup member
  • Resulting from the theoretical assumption of a spiral stirrup reinforcement


  • Stirrup reinforcement from shear force
  • Two-, three-, or four-leg, which means: reinforcement content from one leg on two, three, or four stirrup members
  • Setting the number of legs under stirrup parameters, Window "1.6 Reinforcement", "Stirrups" tab; see Image 02

2*asw,T,stirrup + asw,V,stirrup

  • Total stirrup reinforcement from torsion and shear force
  • In this case, two-leg for torsion, therefore Factor 2 before asw,T,stirrup, shear reinforcement according to the setting from Image 02


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