2 Teoretické základy

3.1.3 1.1.1 Detaily

1.1.1 Detaily

This tab appears when load cases have been selected for the serviceability limit state design and the standard EN 1992-1-1 or ACI 318-14 is set.

Obr. 3.15 Window 1.1 General Data, Details tab

In the crack width design, the program calculates the differences in the mean strains of concrete and reinforcing steel (see chapter According to EN 1992-1-1, 7.3.4 (2), Eq. (7.9), the load duration factor kt must be specified for this.

Zátěžovací stav / Kombinace označení

This column lists all load cases, load combinations, and result combinations that have been selected for design in the Serviceability Limit State tab. U kombinací zatížení a výsledků se udávají i všechny obsažené zátěžové případy.

Trvalé zatížení

Tento sloupec upravuje, které zatěžovací stavy mají být použity jako trvalá zatížení. If an entry is marked (selected check box), the factor kt is automatically set to 0.4 in the next column.

Factor kt

The load duration factor kt is used to consider the load duration. The factor kt is 0.4 for long-term load actions and 0.6 for short-term actions.

For load and result combinations, the mean is formed from the kt values of the load cases contained in the CO or RC.

kt = i=1nγi LF · kt,i LFi=1nγi LF 

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