
CP 001100 | Reconstruction of Güsen Road Bridge B 10 over the Elbe-Havel Canal, Germany

The new Güsen road bridge B 10 is a tied‑arch bridge with an orthotropic roadway slab. The clear width between bridge abutments is about 301.9 ft and the bridge width is almost 46 ft wide.

The arches are made of welded box sections. A horizontal stiffening of the arches is achieved by 4 crossbeams made of steel round tubes (portal effect). Both stringers of the bridge are suspended with 12 round members of d = 4 inches each.

The engineers from grbv used the RSMOVE add‑on module to generate moving loads in RSTAB. Also, many cross‑sections were created in the cross‑section properties software SHAPE‑THIN. The bridge model was converted to RFEM 6 for a presentation video.

