
Ratios on Members

The Design Ratios on Members table contains the result data for the performed design checks as well as their design ratio. The various tables available allow you to sort the results by loading situation (by design situation or by load), by member properties (by material or by cross-section), and by design location (by member, by member set, by location, or by stress point).

The Design Details can be displayed for a particular design check by double-clicking the design row or by using the Design Details button.

Result Filter by Limit State

Depending on the filters set in the Result Table Manager, the design checks of all or some design types can be displayed (for example, the ultimate limit state only).

You can also use the buttons for filtering by limit state to show or hide certain limit states. They are only active if the design checks in the corresponding limit states are available.

Result Filter for Ultimate Limit State Design Result Filter for Ultimate Limit State Design
Result Filter for Serviceability Limit State Design Result Filter for Serviceability Limit State Design

Result Filter by Design Ratio

To only display the governing design by object (according to the selected table), select the "Max" entry in the filter setting list next to the design ratio. You can also define your own filter options in the format "> #.##" in this list. Thus, only the design checks complying to the filter setting are displayed in the table.
