
IVaLSA and Provincia autonoma di Trento, together with the National Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), the Building Research Institute (BRI), the Shizuoka University and the Center for Better Living in Japan, have undertaken a research program on seismic resistance of multi-storey buildings made with Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT).

Engineer Lorenzo Glielmi reproduced in RFEM the FE model of the three-story CLT building which was tested on a 'shake table' at the NIED laboratory in Tsukuba, in 2006. The house remained almost unchanged after having undergone a series of 15 destructive earthquakes.

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Test Building | SOFIE Project

Number of Nodes 175
Number of Lines 244
Number of Members 0
Number of Surfaces 55
Number of Solids 0
Number of Load Cases 3
Number of Load Combinations 16
Number of Result Combinations 4
Total Weight 11.793 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 6.935 x 9.770 x 7.702 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 22.75 x 32.05 x 25.27 feet

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