11 Program Functions

3.4.5 Status Bar

Status Bar

The status bar is at the bottom of the RFEM work window. To activate or deactivate the bar, click View → Status Bar on the menu.

The status bar consists of three areas.

Left area
Image 3.13 Left area of status bar

The displayed text varies depending on the active program function. When the pointer moves across the work window, information appears about the object indicated by the pointer at a given time.

If you are an RFEM beginner, keep an eye on this section of the status bar: You may find useful hints and descriptions for toolbar buttons and dialog boxes.

Center area
Image 3.14 Center area of status bar

Its functionality is similar to that of a toolbar, controlling the display of the work window.


The button enables or disables the snap function of the grid. Use the shortcut menu to access the dialog box with specific settings for grid parameters (see Chapter 11.3.2).


Click the button to switch the grid on and off. Select Edit in the shortcut menu to open the dialog box shown in Figure 11.34.

In addition, the shortcut menu allows you to gradually maximize or minimize grid spacings.


Use this button to select the orthogonal, Cartesian, or polar grid. With this shortcut menu, you can open the dialog box shown in Figure 11.34. In addition, you can gradually enlarge and reduce grid spacings.


This button activates or deactivates the object snap (see Chapter 11.3.3).


This button controls the display of guidelines (see Chapter 11.3.7).


Use this button to switch the display of background layers on and off (see Chapter 11.3.10).

Right area
Image 3.15 Right area of status bar

The right area of the status bar shows the following information about graphically entered data:

    • Visibility mode (if active)
    • Coordinate system CS
    • Work plane
    • Coordinates of current pointer position
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