11 Program Functions Selecting results data

Selecting results data

Image 10.14 Printout Report Selection dialog box, LC/CO Results tab

Selecting the normally comprehensive results data is done in two dialog tabs: The LC/CO Results tab manages the selection for load cases and load combinations, the RC Results tab controls the printout for the results of result combinations.

Results data can be prepared like load data (see Chapter Use the Selected selection field to restrict the printout data to results of specific load cases or combinations.

In the Tables to Display dialog section, you can select the tables and table rows as described in Chapter The Number Selection column allows you to specify particular objects or to select objects graphically at the end of the table row with the button.

In the Table column, some table rows have three dots at the end of the line. The dots indicate the button that you can activate by clicking into the table row. Use this button to access more selection criteria, such as for member internal forces.

Image 10.15 Details - Internal Forces by Member dialog box

The printout report lists the results of each member on the following locations:

    • Start and end node
    • Division points according to specified member division (see Chapter 4.16)
    • Extreme values (Max/Min) of results (see Chapter 8.6)

The selection is connected with the table filter settings (see Figure 11.122).


You can considerably reduce the printout extent by restricting output data to results that are indispensable for your documentation.

If several load cases or COs for which you want to document different results data are available (e.g. internal forces of CO1, support forces of CO2), you first have to do the global selection. After having created the printout report, you can remove the unimportant results by deleting the navigator items. To avoid the selection being overwritten by the global settings again, the Replace individual settings check box is additionally displayed when opening the Printout Report Selection once more (see example in the Knowledge Base).