11 Program Functions

6 Loads

Just as with the model data, there are different ways to enter loads: You can define loads in a dialog box, a table, and often directly in the graphic.

Opening the input dialog box

You can access the input dialog boxes and the graphical input in different ways.

Insert menu
Image 6.1 InsertLoads menu
Insert toolbar
Image 6.2 Insert toolbar
Shortcut menu in Data navigator
Image 6.3 Shortcut menu of load objects in Data navigator
Shortcut menu or double-click in table
Image 6.4 Shortcut menu in load tables

The input dialog box can be accessed by means of the shortcut menu (or by double-click) of the row number.

Opening an edit dialog box

There are different ways to open the dialog box for editing a load object.

Edit menu
Image 6.5 EditLoads menu

The Dialog Box option can only be accessed if the load object was selected beforehand.

Shortcut menu or double-click in graphic
Image 6.6 Shortcut menu of a load in the work window
Shortcut menu or double-click in Data navigator
Image 6.7 Shortcut menu of load objects in Data navigator
Shortcut menu or double-click in table
Image 6.8 Shortcut menu in load tables

The edit dialog box can be accessed by means of the shortcut menu (or by double-click) of the row number.

Table input

Input and modifications carried out in the graphical user interface are immediately shown in the tables and vice versa. To access the load tables, use the third button from the left in the table toolbar.

Image 6.9 [Table 3. Loads] button

Spreadsheet data in tables can be quickly edited or imported (see Chapter 11.5).

In each dialog box and table, it is possible to add a comment that specifies the load. You can also use predefined comments (see Chapter 11.1.4).

To control whether loads in the current table or in all tables are summarized or listed row-by-row, select Table → Optimize Load Data on the menu. You can also use the buttons in the table toolbar shown on the left to activate these settings; they can be found to the right of the load case list.