11 Program Functions

7.3 Calculation Parameters

Edit Load Cases and Combinations dialog box

It is possible to define the calculation parameters as early as during the creation of a load case or load combination. Settings can be respectively specified in the Calculation Parameters tab of the Edit Load Cases and Combinations dialog box.

Image 7.19 Edit Load Cases and Combinations dialog box, Load Cases and Calculation Parameters tabs

In addition to providing an overview of all load cases and combinations, the Edit Load Cases and Combinations dialog box controls the calculation parameters for each load case, load combination, and result combination.

Calculation Parameters dialog box

The calculation parameters can also be accessed in a separate dialog box.

To open the Calculation Parameters dialog box, select

    • Calculate → Calculation Parameters

in the menu or use the corresponding toolbar button.

Image 7.20 [Calculation Parameters] button

The Calculation Parameters dialog box consists of five dialog tabs. The first three tabs manage the calculation parameters of each load case or each load and result combination. In the fourth tab, Global Calculation Parameters (see Figure 7.27), you can check and, if necessary, adjust specifications that are universally valid. The fifth tab manages the Calculation Diagrams.