11 Program Functions

11.4.7 Dividing Lines and Members

Dividing Lines and Members

Lines and members can be divided quickly: Right-click the object and select Divide Line or Divide Member in the shortcut menu.

Image 11.89 Divide Line shortcut menu

The shortcut menu provides three division options.

Image 11.90 Divide Line dialog box

The Divide Line dialog box opens. When you move the pointer along the line, it snaps to it at the distances specified in the Step dialog section. Click to define the division point. The Reference of the division spacings can be set in absolute distances or relative to the total length.

It is also possible to directly enter the Division Spacing. Before entering the spacing, specify the line that you want to divide and the number of the new line in the Line No. and New No. text boxes. If you want to relate the division spacing to the line end, you can change the line orientation with the Reverse orientation check box.

n Intermediate Nodes
Image 11.91 Divide Line Using n Intermediate Nodes dialog box

Use this function to evenly divide the line into several line parts. In the Number of dialog section, you can define the number of Intermediate nodes for the line division.

The line is either divided into "real" lines via new intermediate nodes, or the line is retained while RFEM places nodes on the line in equal spacings. Usually, the real division is preferred. However, if you want to change the course of a B-Spline line when dividing the line, the second option is the better choice.

In the Numbering Starts with dialog section, you can influence the numbering of the new nodes, lines, and members.

Image 11.92 Divide Line Using Distance dialog box

You can use this function to generate a division node on a specific location of the line.

The line is either divided into "real" lines via a new intermediate node or retained while RFEM places a new node on the line.

The Distance Relative to dialog section controls the relation of the division distance: The distance can be related to the real line length (normal case) or to a projection.

The Distance Between New Node and start or end node of the line is to be specified as an absolute value or relative to the total length. The four text boxes are interactive.


For entering the distance, it is important to know the line or member orientation. The orientations and axis systems of lines and members can be switched on and off in the shortcut menu or the Display navigator (see Figure 4.26 and Figure 4.169).

The Numbering Starts with dialog section controls the numbering of new objects.

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