
Design of Steel Buildings Under Seismic Action According to EUROCODE

The objective of the thesis is to provide instructions for the seismic design of steel structures according to ÖNORM EN 1998‑1. Civil engineers can use it to easily apply the standard in practice and provide a guideline for the design. Furthermore, the thesis shows the advantages and disadvantages of various design methods as well as the problems and deficiencies that may arise when applying the standard.

Hannes Weiss
Graz University of Technology, Austria

Civil engineers can use it to easily apply the standard in practice and provide a guideline for the design. Furthermore, the thesis shows the advantages and disadvantages of various design methods as well as the problems and deficiencies that may arise when applying the standard.

Using three sample calculations, it is discussed which procedures are particularly suitable for Austria. Each example deals with different initial situations with regard to the earthquake intensity, calculation methods, ductility, and a structure type, and explains the specific design methods using numerical examples.

