
Eigenvalue Methods in RF-STABILITY

The RF-STABILITY add-on module determines any critical load factors, effective lengths, and eigenvectors of RFEM models. Stability analyses can be carried out by various eigenvalue methods, the advantages of which depend on the structural system as well as computer configurations.

Method by Lanczos

The eigenvalues ​​are determined directly. Using this algorithm, rapid convergence can usually be achieved. This method is suitable for standard models and is therefore set by default.

More Information: Lanczos Method

Roots of Characteristic Polynomial

This method is also based on a direct calculation method. For larger structural systems, this method can be faster than the Lanczos method. The main advantage is the accuracy of the calculation of higher eigenvalues.

More Information: Characteristic Polynomial  

Subspace Iteration Method

All eigenvalues ​​are determined in one step. The spectrum of the stiffness matrix has a strong influence on the duration of the calculation. Since the stiffness matrix is ​​stored in the operating memory, this method is not suitable for complex systems. Furthermore, negative critical load factors may be displayed.

More Information: Krylov Subspace Method  

ICG Iteration Method

The Incomplete Conjugate Gradient method requires little random access memory. Since the eigenvalues ​​are determined one after the other, this requires more computing time for the calculation of small to medium structural systems, in comparison with the direct method. However, the spectrum has no influence on the calculation duration. The ICG method is suitable for analyses of very large systems with few eigenvalues. This method does not provide any negative critical load factors.

More Information: CG Method  


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

