

All cross-sections available in the model are listed again in the Input Data of the design add-on.

Remove cross-sections from design

For all valid cross-sections, you can deactivate all objects with this cross-section by clearing the 'To Analyze' check box. Thus, these objects are included in the 'Invalid/Deactivated' column and thus removed from the design (see also Objects to be Analyzed - Stresses).

Section Type

Die Angaben zum Querschnittstyp sind lediglich informativer Natur. Es können alle Typen bemessen werden.

Anderen Querschnitt für Analyse verwenden

If you want to use a different cross-section for the design than for the RFEM calculations, you can select the cross-section to be used for each cross-section. This does not affect the internal forces, which are also used for the design of the other cross-section.

Ist in dieser Spalte ein anderer Querschnitt hinterlegt, so stehen im Kontextmenü der Zelle weitere Optionen zur Verfügung:

  • Querschnitt an RFEM/RSTAB übergeben
  • Alle Querschnitte an RFEM/RSTAB übergeben
  • Querschnitt aus RFEM/RSTAB übernehmen
  • Alle Querschnitte aus RFEM/RSTAB übernehmen

Optimizing Cross-Section

For standardized cross-sections, it is possible to optimize the cross-sections from their respective series of the cross-section library. The program searches for the smallest possible cross-section from the corresponding series for which all designs provide a smaller design criterion than the limit value defined in the Global Settings.

Für diese "vereinfachte Querschnittsoptimierung" der standardisierten Querschnitte gelten die gleichen Randbedingungen wie für die Nutzung eines anderen Querschnitts zur Bemessung. With the given internal forces, the design checks are carried out for all cross-section variants to be optimized and then the optimal variant is displayed.


For the simplified cross-section optimization in the add-on, the effects of the cross-section changes on the stiffnesses and internal forces in the RFEM model are not taken into account initially.

Therefore, the final design requires transferring the optimized cross-sections to RFEM and performing the calculation again. Eine umfassende Strukturoptimierung ist nur mit dem Add-on Optimierung Kosten / CO2-Emissionsabschätzung möglich.

Querschnitt anpassen

Section properties can be adjusted in the editing dialog box of the cross-section. Mit einem Doppelklick auf eine Zeile oder mit Klick auf die Schaltfläche Open Editing Dialog Box gelangen Sie direkt in den Bearbeitungsdialog des Querschnitts.

The "Options" column includes the icons for various existing settings or modified values, so you can quickly get an overview and, for example, identify the cross-sections calculated according to the thin-walled theory.

To create and design any cross-section, you can use the RSECTION program.

Parent section