
Graphics for Steel Joint Design

The evaluation and documentation of the design results is usually done graphically. For this, you can use the result display on the model. The Navigator - Results is aligned with the result categories of the design add-on. The results of the components are managed under the Steel Joint Design result type in the list of the navigator.

The work window provides the same selection and evaluation options as for the structural analysis; for example, it shows visibilities.

The Control Panel is also aligned with the results of the steel joint design.

Unlike in the static analysis, only four colors are used for the results. This color gradation provides you with a good overview of the design ratios of the components. The standard colors have the following meaning:

Blue (Panel) No or only small design ratios (up to 20%)
Green (Panel) Medium Ratios (20% to 80%)
Orange (Panel) High design ratios (80% to 100%)
Red (Panel) Exceeded design ratios (over 100 %)

You can switch the panel to the eleven default colors of RFEM at any time. Click on one of the colors in the panel to open the Edit Result Colors dialog box.

In the control panel, you can also select the objects for Define the Result Display.


The graphical results are not displayed on the simplified joint model. If you do not see any results on the connection node, select the Joint Model List button in the toolbar at the top right where you set the Detailed Joint Model option.


You can also display the graphical results in steel joint in a separate window and evaluate the designs by component.

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