
FE Mesh Refinement

In addition to the global mesh settings, the FE mesh generation can be influenced by specific mesh refinements in order to achieve a more precise discretization in a connection area, for example. Furthermore, the mesh refinement can also be used to control the result accuracy or the calculation time. For example, you can reduce the number of finite elements to achieve a shorter calculation time, or increase the number of finite elements in a region to increase the accuracy of the results.

Usage in Program

In principle, there are four different types of FE mesh refinements available in the program:

  • Nodal Mesh Refinement - refinement areas around a node
  • Line Mesh Refinement - refinements along a line
  • Surface Mesh Refinement - refinements on a surface
  • Solid Mesh Refinement - refinements in a solid

It is recommended to perform the analysis of FE mesh quality on a model in order to examine the impact of the FE mesh size on the result. Thus, you can find the optimum between the required accuracy and the computing time.