
Result Diagrams

You can evaluate the result diagrams of members, member sets, and representatives in diagrams. First, select the object in the work window. Hold down the Ctrl key to perform multiple selection. Then, open the result diagrams using one of the following options:

  • Menu 'Results' → Result Diagrams for Selected Members / Member Sets
  • "Result Diagrams" shortcut menu item
  • 'Result Diagrams' button

The "Result Diagrams" dialog box appears.


The selected object type is set in the 'Results on Members/Member Sets' list. You can also select a different type.

In the list of load cases and combinations, you can switch between the individual results.

The numbers of the selected objects are displayed for members and member sets. If you want to check the results of another object, select its number in the list or use the Select Individually button for graphical selection.

The buttons have the following functions:

Show Object in Tables Synchronizes diagrams with result types activated in navigator (relevant for several Result Diagram Sets)
Printing Prints current result diagrams
Enlarge Increases result diagrams
Reduce Decreases result diagrams
Display Properties Opens Display Properties dialog box for display adjustments
Several Result Diagrams Controls display for result diagrams of several objects
Inverse Reverses direction of result diagram
Vertical Axis Shows or hides ordinates with maximum values
Smoothing off Shows actual result diagram or smoothed results (list button)
Defining Average Region Opens Smooth Ranges of Result Diagrams dialog box
Smoothing Range on/off Switches smooth ranges on or off
Relation Scale Shows or hides colored relation scales for table values

Result Diagram Set

The window section on the top left allows for saving diagrams. The 'Quick View' with selected results is preset.

To save the current diagram settings, click the New button. Enter a description in the 'New Result Diagram Set' dialog box.

After clicking OK, the result diagrams are available as 'Result Diagram Set' in the list.


The Show Object in Tables button controls the result types that are displayed when switching between the result diagram sets: If it is activated (default), the originally saved diagrams appear. If you deactivate the function, the current navigator categories are applied to the other diagrams.


In the navigator, select the result types that you want to evaluate in the diagram: Deformations, internal forces and moments, strains, or contact forces. Each result type is represented in a separate diagram.


In the main area of the window, you can see the diagrams of the selected result types. You can adjust the display size with the Enlarge and Reduce buttons.

When moving the mouse along the member, the "moving" result values of the respective x-location are displayed. The location 'x' refers to the start of the member or member set; it is shown in the upper right corner of the window. You can also enter an x-location in the text box. To lock the pointer at the defined location, click the Unlock button.

If diagrams of several objects are displayed, you can set the presentation with the Several Result Diagrams list button. Different options are available for selection.

The following image shows the My moments of three members in an overlapped display.

With the 'Overlapped | Envelope Only' option, the gray lines and values within the diagram would be omitted.

In the right window area, the result values are listed in tables. These are the results available on edge nodes and on locations of extreme values and division points. The latter correspond to the member divisions according to the specification entered in the Member Divisions for Calculation dialog box.

You can filter the results by using the buttons below the tables.

Maximum Values Shows only extreme values
Nodal Values Shows only values of ends

Display Poperties

To adjust the display of the result diagrams, click the Display Properties button in the toolbar. The 'Display Properties' dialog box allows you to customize colors, lines, and values.

Smooth ranges for result diagrams

You can average the result values by means of user-defined 'Smooth Ranges' in order to prepare results for engineering purposes. This way, you can reduce the moment peaks above supports, for example.

Click the Defining Average Region button in the toolbar to open the 'Smooth Ranges of Result Diagrams' dialog box.

In the 'Smooth Ranges' table, define the zones whose average values you want to determine. The entries for start, end, and length are interactive. Use the 'Active' check box to control which area is considered in the diagram.

In the 'Use for Results' dialog section, select the deformations, internal forces and moments, or strains for which the results should be smoothed.

In the 'Distribution' dialog section, you can control whether the values in the smooth range are displayed with a constant (as shown in the image above) or linear distribution.

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