
Connect Members

General settings

Members are automatically connected by default as soon as they cross each other when placed. The corresponding setting can be found in the 'Program Options & Settings' dialog box, which you can call up on the Options menu or with the Program Options button. The connection is set up by internal nodes of the On Member type. This way, the members are kept.

You can also use the View (1) menu or the general shortcut menu (2) to control whether the members being placed are to be divided or connected at the common node.


Deactivate the function, for example, when placing diagonals for crossings: The tension members are usually not connected.

'Connect' function

To connect crossing members subsequently, use the Connect function on the Tools menu or the Connect button in the toolbar.

You can also connect members without selecting them beforehand. Go into the work window and draw a window across the zone where you want to connect the members. It is not necessary to completely capture the objects.


When connecting members manually, the original members are divided by standard nodes. This procedure will create new members.

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