

With the Chamfer function on the 'Edit' menu → 'Manipulation', you can rotate selected objects while adjusting the coordinate in one direction only. The other two direction coordinates are kept.

For example, chamfering makes it easier to change the inclination of members of a roof surface: The member lengths are adjusted to the new Z-coordinate, while the coordinates in the XY-plane remain unchanged.


If there is no tick set in the 'Create copy' check box, the selected objects will be chamfered. If you want to create a copy, tick the check box.

Chamfer Parameters

Enter the 'Rotation angle' α. It is related to a clockwise coordinate system of the 'axis' that you define below. The dialog graphic shows the axes with positive angles. You can enter the angle in [°] or [%]. Both fields are interactive.

Define the 'Coordinate system' in which the objects are to be rotated. You can select a User-Defined Coordinate System from the list or create a new one using the New button.

The 'Chamfer through' list provides two options for defining the direction of chamfering:

  • Rotation axis and direction: The rotation axis runs parallel to an axis of the specified coordinate system. Select it in the 'About axis' list. Then, set the coordinate to be adjusted in the 'In direction' list. Enter the 'Point P' that lies on the rotation axis to define the position of the axis.
  • Perpendicular via 3 points: The rotation axis lies anywhere in space. Enter the coordinates for 'Point P1' and 'Point P2' to define the rotation axis. Then, define the plane and the direction by 'Point P3'. You can also define the three points graphically with the Select Individually button.
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