
Base Plate

The Base Plate component allows for the design of base plate connections with cast-in anchors. The plate, welds, anchorage, and steel-concrete interaction are designed.

To Connect

In the first category of the component settings, you specify which member has a base plate.

The list shows all members connected to the node. Select the 'reference member' (the column). It is not necessary to have a nodal support assigned to the node.


This category allows you to place and rotate the base plate at a distance from the member end.

The 'axial displacement' describes the (vertical) distance from the node. If you want to apply a 'rotation' of the base plate, specify the corresponding angles about the local axes. To adjust the coordinate system, use the [1] button Coordinate System at the bottom of the graphic area.

Sheet Metal

The plate of the base plate component creates the connection between the reference member and the concrete block.

Select the relevant material from the defined materials or define a new material using the Edit Object button. Then, specify the thickness of the sheet.

You can define the plate geometry by 'Offsets' or 'Dimensions and Position'. Select the corresponding option in the list.


The plate size results from the cross-section dimensions of the reference member. By defining the 'Offset' in the four directions, you can respectively define how far the plate protrudes beyond the bounding box of the cross-section. The resulting width and height are indicated in the last rows; these values cannot be modified.

Dimensions and Position

You can specify the plate size directly. The position is related to the cross-section of the reference member. If the plate is not to be arranged centrically, you can define a 'transverse eccentricity' and a 'longitudinal eccentricity' related to the connection nodes, and move the plate.


If you switch between the two definition types, the program converts the values. This does not change either the position or the size of the plate.

Concrete Block

The concrete block forms the "foundation" of the base plate component.

Select the relevant material from the defined materials or define a new material using the Edit Object a new concrete material. Then, specify the thickness of the concrete block.

You can define the geometry by means of 'Offsets' or 'Dimensions and Position'. Select the corresponding option in the list. The two options correspond to those for the definition of the plate geometry (see Offsets).

The 'Cracked concrete', 'Edge reinforcement', and 'Dense reinforcement' check boxes affect the Effective area Aeff of the base plate for compression: If the concrete cracks, this area becomes slightly smaller; if there is an edge reinforcement and a dense reinforcement, the effective surface becomes slightly larger.

If there is a blinding layer between the steel plate and the concrete block, select the 'Mortar' check box. Then, define the 'grout material' and specify the 'grout thickness'.

Shear Transfer

This category controls how the shear forces are transferred between the reference member and the concrete block.

In the current state of development, the shear transfer is only ensured by anchors. If you also want to consider the 'Friction', tick the corresponding check box. The friction coefficient is stored in the Ultimate Configurations in the 'Concrete Block' category.


The anchors absorb the tensile forces (and possibly also the shear forces). In this category, you can define the properties of the bolts.

Select the 'Diameter' and the 'Strength Class' of the anchor bolts from the lists.

Then, enter the 'Number' of the anchors as well as the 'Spacing in longitudinal direction' and 'Spacing in transverse direction' of the anchors. The button here is also disabled Model View in the graphics area to switch to the symbol display of the parameters.

You can use the 'Thread in shear plane' and 'Reduction by cut thread' check boxes to control whether the strengths should be reduced accordingly.

The value hef represents the effective embedment depth of the anchors in the concrete block. The length of the anchors thus results from the thickness of the base plate and, if necessary, the grout layer, the anchorage depth, as well as the required length of the nut and the washer.


The last category controls the welds used to connect the edges of the reference member (column) to the plate of the base plate. If you deactivate one of the check boxes, no weld is arranged on the corresponding cross-section part.

You can open a list of weld types by clicking in the column to the right of the check box. Various types of fillet and butt welds are available for selection. For fillet welds, you have to specify the thickness of the weld.

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