
Graphic Printout

The Steel Joint Design add-on is fully integrated in RFEM. Therefore, you can use all options known from the main program to document the graphical results of the design ratios and buckling analysis. The general procedure of preparing graphics for printout is described in the chapter Graphics of the RFEM manual.

Graphics of Work Window

In the chapter Graphic for Steel Joint Design, all result types that are graphically available for the components are presented. You can print the current view directly using the print function, or transfer it to the printout report.

In the '"Graphic Printout" dialog box, specify the print settings for the image as usual.

If you activate the Multi Print option in the "Window" category, you can define the specifications for printing several windows or the mass print of graphics in the "Add-ons" tab (see the chapter Using Multi Print of the RFEM manual). The graphics are then sorted in the printout report with the Steel Joint Design results.

Steel Joint

The Steel Joints dialog box provides further options to graphically document the steel joint.

The "Components" tab with the 3D graphic of the connection objects is particularly suitable for printing the connection geometry, as it is required for the production, for example.


This webinar shows you how to create a dimensioned sketch of the connection.

Design Check Details

Functions are also available in the Design Check Details dialog box that allow you to print the design equations in the form of graphics.


The graphics of the design check details are not updated after a recalculation; they are snapshots in time.

Results in Steel Joint

The Results in Steel Joint window also provides functions for printing the joint graphics.

Parent Chapter