
Results by Node

The table result category Results by Node lists the results of the time history analysis that are available at nodes. The results in the individual tabs are sorted by node numbers.


The chapter Results by Node of the RFEM manual describes the standard result types for nodes.

Global Deformations

You can display the nodal deformations graphically using the "Global Deformations" navigator category (see the image Results of Time History Analysis ). In the "Global Deformations" tab of the table, the deformations of nodes are displayed numerically.

The absolute total displacement |u| and the displacements uX, uY, and uZ, as well as the rotations φX, φY, and φZ, are displayed. At the end of the table, you can find the maximum and minimum values of the individual deformation components.

If a result envelope is displayed in the work window, the table contains two result values for each node – the maximum and the minimum of all time steps.

Support Forces

The "Support Forces" tab lists the forces and moments that are introduced into each nodal support.


In the "Accelerations" tab, you can see the accelerations that apply to the individual nodes. The absolute total acceleration |u"| and the accelerations u"X, u"Y, and u"Z, as well as the angular accelerations φ"X, φ"Y, and φ"Z, are specified.

The accelerations are only shown in tabular form; they cannot be displayed graphically.


The "Velocities" tab lists the velocities that are present at each node. The absolute total velocity |u'| and the velocities u'X, u'Y, and u'Z, as well as the angular velocities φ'X, φ'Y, and φ'Z, are displayed.

These results are also only available in tabular form.

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