

RSECTION contains a powerful scripting language that allows you to create, modify, and delete the topology, load cases, and internal forces. However, it is not possible to create, open or close files, start the calculation, read results, or communicate with other applications.

The JavaScript scripting language is used to create scripts. The following JavaScript extensions are included in RSECTION.


The entries are interpreted in SI base units. However, you can also directly use any units supported in RSECTION by writing the unit after the value; for example, points[1].coordinate_1=50mm.

Mathematical Functions and Constants

Mathematical functions and constants are available globally. For example, you can use sin(PI) instead of Math.sin(Math.PI).


You can also define powers with the operator ^; for example, 7^3 gives the same result as pow (7,3).

Sylvester Library

The vector and matrix operations of the Sylvester Library are available to you for programming. You can find the documentation at http://sylvester.jcoglan.com/

Function run()

You can use the run() function to run another script.

Function include()

You can use the include() function to access the functions of another script.

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