
Connect Lines and Elements

The Connect lines and elements function allows you to connect lines and elements that cross each other, but do not have a common point.

General Settings

Lines and elements are not automatically connected by default. The corresponding setting can be found in the "Program Options & Settings" dialog box, which you can open in the Options menu or using the Program Options button.

You can create the connection using internal points of the On Line type. Alternatively, the line is divided at the intersection location by standard points .

You can also use the View menu or the general shortcut menu to control whether lines and elements being placed should be divided or connected at the common point.

Function "Connect"

To connect crossing lines or elements subsequently, use the Connect function in the Tools menu or the Connect button in the menu bar.

You can also connect lines or elements without selecting them beforehand. Simply draw a window over the area in which you want to connect the lines or elements. It is not necessary to completely capture the objects.

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