

Dimensions make an important contribution to the understanding of modeling. You can enter different types of dimensions that you can apply as user-defined.

You can use the functions of the Dimension button in the CAD toolbar to set dimensions directly on the model.

Define the parameters in the "New Dimension" dialog box. Then, click the dimension-defining objects in the work window.


In the Main tab, define the type of dimension and how it is to be represented.

Dimension Type and Style

Various "Dimension types" are available for selection in the list. They correspond to the functions of the buttons (see the image Buttons for Dimensions).

Linear Length(s) between two or more points
Arc length Length between the points of an arc
Angle Angle between three points or two lines
Radius Circle or arc radius
Diameter Circle or arc diameter
Slope Inclination angle between a line and a plane

The "Display properties" control the dimension symbols and fonts used to display the dimension. You can check the current "Style" using the Edit button: The "Display Properties" dialog box appears with a preview of the dimensions. There, you can adjust the style for the individual dimension types, if necessary.


You can supplement the dimensioning with a dimension symbol. Enter the "Symbol" or select the relevant entry from the list.


You can also use HTML commands and special characters (entities): For example, the character γ is represented by &gamma, subscripts are entered by <sub> tags, superscripts are achieved by <sup> tags (for example, l<sub>1</sub> generates l1).


In this dialog section, you can define the reference parameters for dimensions of lengths.

By specifying the "Reference", you can control whether the dimensioning refers to either the true length between definition points, or the projection in one of the global directions.


The "Dimension line offset" Δ describes the distance of the dimension line from the reference objects. In the button dialog box, you can define this distance graphically (see Step (6) in the image Setting Dimension Graphically).

If you activate the "Offset to global axes" check box, you can define the distance of the dimension line with the global coordinate reference.


The Position tab manages the dimension-determining objects and parameters.

Dimension References

The input options in this dialog section depend on the dimension type. For length dimensions, the reference objects are managed in a table: In the "Type" column, define the type of the reference object. Then, enter the "Number" of the point. If the text box is activated, you can also define the reference object graphically using the Select Individually button. The table thus offers the option of relating the dimension line to other points without having to delete and redefine the dimensioning.

For an angular dimension (the "Slope" type), you can define in this dialog tab the governing "Line", "Direction" of the angle, and the "Position" of the dimension in relation to the line start or line end.

Custom Text Position

The dimension text is centrally arranged by default. To adjust the "Vertical position" or the "Horizontal position", select the corresponding check box. You can then select the appropriate position in the list.

Displaying Dimensions

You can show or hide the display of dimensions in the "Navigator – Display". In the Dimensions category, more options are available to set the display. For example, you can activate the display of units or symbols.

In the "Navigator – Data", you can control the display of dimensions individually.

Alternatively, you can use the check box in the Active dialog box section (see the image New Dimension). Furthermore, deactivating functions are available in the shortcut menu of the dimensions.


The dimensions adapt automatically when changing the model geometry.

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