
Types for Concrete Design

The essential boundary conditions for the design are defined by assigning "Types for Concrete Design" to the object to be designed (a member, a surface, a node). You can use various options to do this:

  • Enter numbers of the relevant members, member sets, surfaces, or nodes in the dialog boxes of the individual types (see Image Effective Length ).
  • Enter the object numbers in the "Types for Concrete Design" input tables (available in the main category Structure).
  • Assign the type in the tabs of the design properties in the object dialog boxes.

By activating Concrete Design, the design properties are activated for all members and surfaces that use the material of the Concrete type. The available "Types for Concrete Design" depend on the standard . They are described in the following chapters.

Select an existing Type for Concrete Design from the list (see image Assigning Concrete Durability Type). The New button allows you to create a new type. Click the Multiple Selection button to graphically select another object in order to use its properties for the concrete design. To edit the selected type, use the Edit button.

You can display the Types for Concrete Design graphically in the work window. You can find the corresponding display options under the "Types for Concrete Design" category in the Navigator - Display. This allows you to easily check whether the types are assigned correctly. You can also use the Navigator to prepare the graphic for the documentation in Graphic Printout.


Members can be designed either as a member or as part of the superordinate member set (see Chapter Member Sets of the Steel Design manual). It is also possible to assign design properties by using representatives (see Chapter Representatives).