

In the "Navigator - Results", specify the design results of the reinforcement sections that should be displayed graphically on the members. You can select specific results for the required reinforcement, provided reinforcement, and not covered reinforcement.

The cross-sectional area of the selected reinforcement type is displayed for each member location. You can see the position of the reinforcement – above or below – by means of the display on the corresponding member sides.

Control Panel

If you select several reinforcements, the reinforcement cross-sections are displayed in combination. The color assignments are shown in the control panel. This way, you can graphically compare the required longitudinal reinforcement with the provided longitudinal reinforcement, for example.

The not covered reinforcement represents the difference between the provided and required reinforcement.


The curtailment of the longitudinal tension reinforcement is taken into account within the required reinforcement, provided that in the Ultimate Configuration for Members settings, the "Include tensile force due to shear in required longitudinal reinforcement" option is activated (a default setting).

Result Display

The "Members" category in the lower navigator area provides you with various options for adapting the result display (see the image Comparing Required and Provided Reinforcement). You can display the distribution of the reinforcement with or without hatching, show all values of the design locations, or only show the extreme value of all members.

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