
Member Representative Wizard

The Member Representative Wizard tab is displayed if the "Member Representatives" check box has been activated in the Settings and Options tab. Here you can define criteria according to which the program creates "representatives" for members (see the chapter Member Representatives).

A member representative is a template member for 1D objects with identical properties. RFEM checks all members for similarities with regard to criteria like material, cross-section, line and member type, as well as member length, and displays the result as a list (see the image Member Representatives in Navigator ). The mentioned criteria are preset.

In the "Consideration of Member Properties" list, you can define further conditions to refine the criteria for member representatives. For example, if you activate "Hinges", RFEM creates a representative for members of a similar type without hinges and one (or more) representatives for the same members of a similar type with specific hinge properties.


The more criteria you activate, the more representatives are created.

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